rbatools.enzyme_block API documentation

rbatools.enzyme_block module


class EnzymeBlock (ancestors: InformationBlock)

Class holding information on the enzymes in the model.


Elements : dict
Each model-enzyme is represented by a key. The values, holding information on each enzyme, are dicts with predefined keys: 'ID' : enzyme ID in model (type str) 'OtherIDs' : identifiers of this enzyme in other namespaces (BiGG, KEGG …) (type dict) 'Reaction' : associated metabolic reaction (type str) 'Isozymes' : Other enzymes catalysing the same metabolic reaction (type list) 'IdenticalEnzymes' : Other enzymatic activities of this enzyme, cellular location ignored. (type list) 'EnzymesWithIdenticalSubunitComposition' : Other enzymatic activities of this enzyme IN SAME COMPARTMENT. (type list) 'Subunits' : Which proteins this enzyme is composed of and how many (type dict) 'EnzymeCompartment' : Location of enzyme (type str) 'ForwardCapacity_Constraint' : Id of associated forward capacity constraint. 'BackwardCapacity_Constraint' : Id of associated backward capacity constraint.


def from_files(self, model, Info)

Derive reaction-info from RBA-model.




Dictionary with enzyme-info.

def overview(self)

Derive statistics on enzymes.


Dictionary with general numbers on enzymes.