rbatools.info_matrix API documentation

rbatools.info_matrix module


class InfoMatrix


Reaction_Reaction : pandas.DataFrame
Mapping of model-reactions to unique BiGG IDs (compensation for reaction-duplication for Isozymes). rows: unique BiGG-reactions ; cols: model-reactions
Protein_Enzyme : pandas.DataFrame
Conversion of Enzyme levels to levels of proteins, constituting them. (Gives Proteome of Metabolic Proteins, needs to be added to Process_Protein to obtain full proteome) rows: proteins ; cols: model-enzymes
ProteinWeight : pandas.DataFrame
Molecular weight and number of amino-acids for each protein rows: proteins ; cols: AAnum and weight
Protein_ProcessMachinery : pandas.DataFrame
Conversion of Process levels to levels of proteins, constituting their machineries. (Gives Proteome of Process Proteins, needs to be added to Enzyme_Protein to obtain full proteome) rows: proteins ; cols: model-processes
Process_Protein : pandas.DataFrame
Indication on how much each protein requires of each process rows: processes ; cols: protein
Compartment_Protein : pandas.DataFrame
Logical matrix on which protein is located in which compartment rows: compartments ; cols: proteins
S : pandas.DataFrame
Model stoichiometry-matrix rows: metabolites ; cols: reactions


def __init__(self, struct)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.