rbatools.rba_problem API documentation

rbatools.rba_problem module


class ProblemRBA

Class holding RBA-problem as mathematical manifestation of the RBA-model.


classicRBA : boolean
Indicates that the problem is a classic RBA-problem (as defined in RBApy)
ClassicRBAmatrix : rba.ConstraintMatrix.matrix object
Mu : float
Current Growth rate as numeric value
LP : LinearProblem object
Enzyme_FWcapacities : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent forward efficiencies of enzymes Created by method 'extract_constraint_types'
Enzyme_BWcapacities : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent backward efficiencies of enzymes Created by method 'extract_constraint_types'
ProcessCapacities : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent net efficiencies of processes Created by method 'extract_constraint_types'
Metabolites : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent mass balances of metabolites Created by method 'extract_constraint_types'
CompartmentDensities : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent compartment capacities Created by method 'extract_constraint_types'
Reactions : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent metabolic reactions Created by method 'extract_variable_types'
Enzymes : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent enzymes, associated with metabolic reactions Created by method 'extract_variable_types'
Processes : list
List of constraint IDs, which represent process machineries Created by method 'extract_variable_types'
MuDepIndices_A : list
List of tuples holding rows (constraint IDs) and columns (variable IDs) of constraint-matrix coefficients (LHS), which depend on the growth rate. Created by method 'find_growth_rate_dependencies'
MuDepIndices_b : list
List of constraint IDs, whos RHS depend on the growth rate Created by method 'find_growth_rate_dependencies'
MuDepIndices_LB : list
List of variable IDs, whos lower-bounds depend on the growth rate Created by method 'find_growth_rate_dependencies'
MuDepIndices_UB : list
List of variable IDs, whos upper-bounds depend on the growth rate Created by method 'find_growth_rate_dependencies'
Solved : bool
Booelean indicating wheter Problem has been successfully solved, according to the acceptable solution statuses provided to the solve_lp-method. Created by method 'solve_lp'
SolutionStatus : int
Numerical value indicating the solution-status of the problem. Consult CPLEX documentation for their meaning. Created by method 'solve_lp'
ObjectiveValue : float
Numeric value of the objective function after optimisation by CPLEX. Created by method 'solve_lp'
SolutionValues : dict
Solution vector after optimisation by CPLEX. (Dictionary with variable IDs as keys and numeric values as values) Created by method 'solve_lp'
DualValues : dict
Vector of dual-values after optimisation by CPLEX. (Dictionary with constraint IDs as keys and numeric values as values) Created by method 'solve_lp'


def __init__(self, matrix, ModelStructure, lp_solver='cplex')

Initiates rbatools.rba_problem.ProblemRBA from supplied rba.ConstraintMatrix object.

Makes sure the problem is consistent and optimisable.


matrix : rba.ConstraintMatrix
ModelStructure rbatools.rba_model_structure.ModelStructureRBA
lp_solver : str
Specifies which LP-solver should be used ('cplex' or 'swiglpk') Default: 'cplex'
def build_classic_matrix(self, Mu)

Builds standard RBA-matrix according to growth-rate


Mu : float
Growth rate
def calculate_left_hand_side(self, constraints=[])

Calculates value of problem's lefthand side (after multiplying with solution-vector).


constraints : str or list of str
Constraints to retreive the LHS-value for. Either constraint ID or list of constraint IDs to specify the LHS-value of which constraint to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all constraint are looked up.


Dictionary with constraint-IDs as keys and LHS-value as values.
def clear_objective(self)

Sets all coefficients of the objective function to zero.

def evaluate_parameter(self, definition)
def extract_constraint_types(self, ModelStructure)

Extracts information on the different constraint types in the standard RBA-matrix.

AddsAttributes : Enzyme_FWcapacities, Enzyme_BWcapacities, ProcessCapacities,
Metabolites and CompartmentDensities
def extract_variable_types(self, ModelStructure)

Extracts information on the different variable types in the standard RBA-matrix.

AddsAttributes : Enzymes, Reactions and Processes
def find_growth_rate_dependencies(self, ModelStructure)

Extracts information on the growth-rate dependent LP-coefficients.

AddsAttributes : MuDepIndices_A, MuDepIndices_b, MuDepIndices_LB
and MuDepIndices_UB
def get_constraint_types(self, constraints=[])

Extracts type of constraints.


constraints : str or list of str
Constraints to retreive the type for. Either constraint ID or list of constraint IDs to specify the type of which constraint to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all constraint are looked up.


Dictionary with constraint-IDs as keys and type identification-characters as values.
def get_lb(self, variables=[])

Returns lower bounds of problem variables.


variables : str list of str
Variables to retreive the objective coefficients for. Either variable ID or list of variable IDs to specify the coefficients of which variables to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all variables are looked up.


Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and lower bounds as values.
def get_objective(self, variables=[])

Returns objective coefficient of variables in problem.


variables : str or list of str
Variables to retreive the objective coefficients for. Either variable ID or list of variable IDs to specify the coefficients of which variables to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all variables are looked up.


Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and objective coefficients as values.
def get_problem_coefficients(self, inputTuples=[])

Returns coefficients of LHS of problem.


inputTuples : tuple or list of tuples. Tuples hold row and column indices. [('row1','col1'),('row2','col2'),…] or ('row1','col1').


Dictionary with index tuples as keys and matrix coefficients as values.
def get_right_hand_side(self, constraints=[])

Extracts coefficients of problem's righthand side (B-vector).


constraints : str or list of str
Constraints to retreive the objective coefficients for. Either constraint ID or list of constraint IDs to specify the RHS of which constraint to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all constraint are looked up.


Dictionary with constraint-IDs as keys and RHS-values as values.
def get_ub(self, variables=[])

Returns upper bounds of problem variables.


variables : str list of str
Variables to retreive the objective coefficients for. Either variable ID or list of variable IDs to specify the coefficients of which variables to look up. This is an optional input; if not provided all variables are looked up.


Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and upper bounds as values.
def invert_objective(self)

Changes sign (optimisation-sense) of objective function.

def set_constraint_types(self, inputDict)

Sets type of constraints.

E : = ; L: <= ; G: >=


inputDict : dict
Dictionary with constraint-IDs as keys and type identification-character as values. ({'col1':'E','col2':'L', …}).
def set_growth_rate(self, Mu, ModelStructure, keepParameters={})

Changes growth-rate of problem and sets all associated coefficients.

Can be provided with 'keepParameters' argument to define problem coefficients which should remain unchanged.


Mu : float
Growth rate
ModelStructure : RBA_ModellStructure object.
keepParameters : dict
Dictionary indicating which elements of the linear problem should not be affected when setting growth-rate. Possible keys of dictionary: 'LHS': List of index-tuples (constraint-ID,variable-ID), indicating elements of the lefthandside (constraint-matrix). 'RHS': List of constraint IDs, indicating elements of the righthandside (b-vector). 'LB': List of variable-IDs, indicating elements of the lower-bound vector. 'UB': List of variable-IDs, indicating elements of the upper-bound vector. Default: keepParameters=None
def set_lb(self, inputDict)

Set lower-bounds of the problem variables.


inputDict : dict
Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and new numeric values as values. ({'col1':42,'col2':9000, …}).
def set_objective(self, inputDict)

Sets objective function coefficients.


inputDict : dict
Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and new numeric values as values. ({'col1':42,'col2':9000, …}).
def set_problem_coefficients(self, inputDict)

Set coefficients of the problems' LHS (constraint matrix).


inputDict : dict
Dict with index-tuples ('row1','col1') as keys and new numeric values as values. ({('row1','col1'):42,('row2','col2'):9000, …}).
def set_right_hand_side(self, inputDict)

Set coefficients of the problems' RHS (b-vector). Parameters

inputDict : dict
Dictionary with constraint-IDs as keys and new numeric values as values. ({'row1':42,'row2':9000, …}).
def set_ub(self, inputDict)

Set upper-bounds of the problem variables.


inputDict : dict
Dictionary with variable-IDs as keys and new numeric values as values. ({'col1':42,'col2':9000, …}).
def solve_lp(self, feasible_stati=['optimal', 'feasible'], try_unscaling_if_sol_status_is_feasible_only_before_unscaling=True)

Solves Linear RBA problem.

When solution-status is amongst the user-defined feasible statuses; boolean 'Solved' is set to True and 'ObjectiveValue', 'SolutionValues' and 'DualValues' are stored as attributes.


feasible_stati : list of int
List with identifiers of acceptable solution statuses. (consult ILOG-CPLEX documentation for information on them). Default: feasible_stati=["optimal","feasible"]

try_unscaling_if_sol_status_is_feasible_only_before_unscaling :bool Try re-solving problem with less aggressive scaling, when solution status is infeasible after unscaling Default: True

def update_growth_rate(self, Mu, keepParameters={}, ModifiedProblem=False)

Changes growth-rate of problem and sets all associated coefficients.

Can be provided with 'keepParameters' argument to define problem coefficients which should remain unchanged.


Mu : float
Growth rate
keepParameters : dict
Dictionary indicating which elements of the linear problem should not be affected when setting growth-rate. Possible keys of dictionary: 'LHS': List of index-tuples (constraint-ID,variable-ID), indicating elements of the lefthandside (constraint-matrix). 'RHS': List of constraint IDs, indicating elements of the righthandside (b-vector). 'LB': List of variable-IDs, indicating elements of the lower-bound vector. 'UB': List of variable-IDs, indicating elements of the upper-bound vector. Default: keepParameters=None
ModifiedProblem : bool
Default: False