rbatools.target_block API documentation

rbatools.target_block module


class TargetBlock (ancestors: InformationBlock)

Class holding information on the targets in the model.


Elements : dict
Each model-target is represented by a key. The values, holding information on each target, are dicts with predefined keys: 'ID' : Target ID in model (type str) 'Group' : Class of targets (type str): Eg: 'macrocomponent_production','maintenance_atp_target', 'metabolite_production','replication_targets', 'rna_degradation' or 'translation_targets' 'Type' : Type of targets (type str): Eg: 'metabolite_production', 'degradation_fluxes', 'concentrations' or 'reaction_fluxes' 'TargetEntity' : For which entity the target is defined (type str) 'TargetParameterID' : Model-parameter ID which defines target value (type str) 'TargetParameter' : Model-parameter definition of target value (type dict) 'TargetConstraint' : 'Value' if target is defined as explicit value or 'upper/lower Bound'.


def from_files(self, model)
def overview(self)

Derive statistics on targets.


Dictionary with general numbers on targets.